Sustainability Fee

Sustainability Per Ticket Fee


As England ’s national stadium, we are fully aware of the impact that large scale events can have on our planet.


So, in 2023 we will be adding a sustainability fee to the cost of tickets for events held at Wembley Stadium. The additional cost will be £2.75 per ticket.


We are committed to delivering the highest levels of sustainability at Wembley.


We proudly became a zero- waste-to-landfill venue in 2010 and were the first sporting venue to achieve the Carbon Trust Triple Standard in 2014. In 2018 we achieved the prestigious ISO 20121 international standard.


All monies raised from the sustainability fee will enable us to continue with this work and deliver more sustainability projects across the stadium.


This will ensure Wembley remains a world-leading, inspirational venue at the forefront of sustainable stadia.


Below are just some of the sustainable initiatives we currently operate across the stadium:


  • Long-term use of 100% renewable energy at the stadium
  • All lighting is operated on energy efficient LEDs, including Wembley’s arch.
  • We use organic fertiliser for pitch maintenance.   
  • To reduce plastic water bottle consumption and water use, we have installed 16 water bottle refill stations around the stadium and low-flow technologies across our bathrooms.
  • We work closely with transport providers to encourage visitors to use lower impact options. 

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